Limbs Fracture First-aid External Fixation Simulation Standardized Patient
- Simulates head trauma and limbs closed fracture, students can be familiar with symptoms of malformation, bony crepitus and abnormal motion and so on, and they can make diagnosis and treatment.
- Master the operating skills of wounds rinsing, disinfection, binding up, restoration, fracture fixation and transport, which has great clinical meaning for surgical trauma first-aid skills training.
- Trauma includes radius and ulna closed fractures (upper forearm), Tibia and fibula closed fractures trauma (lower limbs), and thigh compound trauma. The end of fracture is touchable, fracture-angle abnormality, and comes with feeling of bone friction.
- Mandible trauma modules: open jaw trauma modules, and wound managerment can be done for the jaw.
- Basic nursing function: I.V. Injection, urethral catheterization, etc.
- All types of brace can be used with this manikin.
- Can be widely used for emergency teaching demonstration and actual practice.
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