Ratownictwo medyczne

CPR Training Manikin

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  1. Accurate anatomical features, realistic feeling, natural complexion, and perfect appearance
  2. Manikin connects to the electronic monitor via compression and ventilation duct.
  3. Manikin vital signs:
    1. Initial state: manikin’s pupil mydriasis and no carotid pulse
    2. After successful rescue: manikin’s pupil recover, and carotid pulse begin self-pulsation
  4. Manikin’s left shoulder supports consciousness judgement, and the result can be printed on the report after operation
  5. Simulate airway opening, and the relative green light on the monitor will be triggered once the airway is open.
  6. CPR operating modes: CPR Training, CPR Popularization and CPR Assessment:
  7. Electronic monitoring: the electronic lights monitor the airway opening, compression sites (including one correct position and four wrong positions), times of correct and wrong artificial respiration and external chest compression.
  8. Bar code shows the volume of insufflation: correct value should be 500 - 600ml.
    1. insufficient blowing, the bar code is yellow,
    2. proper blowing, the bar code is green,
    3. excessive blowing, the bar code is red.
      Bar code shows the compression depth: correct value should be 5cm - 6cm.
      1. Insufficient compression depth, the bar code is yellow,
      2. proper compression depth, the bar code is green,
      3. excessive compression depth, the bar code is red.
  9. English voices prompts during the whole process and the volume is adjustable.
  10. Compression frequency: 100-120 times/minute
  11. Remote control can be used to reset, playback and simulate emergency call, pulse check, forerign body removal and breathing judgement, etc.
  12. Power state: adopts 220V external power source, which can be used for both manikin and electronic monitor.

Price: xx zł

CPR Training Manikin

Implement standard: AH A (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  1. Pupil demonstration: one mydriasis and the other normal
  2. Simulate standard open airway
  3. Simulate free movements of upper limbs
  4. External chest compression: display device and alarm device
  5. Artificial respiration (Inhalation): display device and alarm device
  6. Operating period: Ratio of compression and artificial respiration: 30:2 (one or two persons), complete 5 cycles.
  7. Compression frequency: 100 - 120 times/minute
  8. Compression depth: 5-6cm
  9. Squeeze the bulb manually to simulate carotid pulse
  10. Working conditions: adopts 220V external power source

Price: xx zł

Half Body CPR Training Manikin

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  1. Simulate standard open airway
  2. Support training in artificial respiration and external chest compression
  3. Compression Frequency: 100-120 times/minute, take the “tick” sound as the sign, and the compression depth should be 5cm - 6cm.
  4. The inflated tidal volume can be observed by the chest rise, commonly it should be 500-600ml.
  5. Power supply: power adapter

Price: xx zł

Half Body CPR Training Manikin

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  1. Pupil demonstration: one mydriasis and the other normal
  2. Simulate standard open airway
  3. Simulate free movements of upper limbs
  4. External chest compression: display device and alarm device
  5. Artificial respiration (Inhalation): display device and alarm device
  6. Operating period: Ratio of compression and artificial respiration:
    30:2 (one or two persons), complete 5 cycles.
  7. Compression frequency: 100 - 120 times/minute
  8. Compression depth: 5-6cm
  9. Squeeze the bulb manually to simulate carotid pulse
  10. Working conditions: adopts 220V external power source

Price: xx zł

Half Body CPR Training Manikin

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  1. Simulate standard open airway
  2. Support training in artificial respiration and external chest compression
  3. Compression Frequency: 100-120 times/minute
  4. External breast compression, intensity display of correct (5cm-6cm):
    1. The yellow indicator light display of correct compression position
    2. Buzzing sound of correct compression intensity, the green indicator light display
    3. Alarming sound of wrong compression intensity, the red indicator light display
  5. The inflated tidal volume can be observed by the chest rise, commonly it should be 500-600ml.
  6. Power supply: power adapter

Price: xx zł

Half Body CPR Training Combination


  1. Simulate standard open airway
  2. External breast compression, intensity display of correct (at least 5cm):
    • Buzzing sound of correct compression intensity
    • Alarming sound of wrong compression intensity
  3. Artificial respiration (inhalation): the volume of inhalation is observed through observing the wave of breast;
    (tidal volume≦500ml/600ml-1000ml≦)
  4. Operation methods: exercise operation

Price: xx zł

AED Simulator


  1. Simulate AED workflow during first-aid procedure with voice prompts, and it hasn’t high tension shock motion.
  2. Interchangeable voice prompts, in English or in Chinese; and the volume is adjustable.
  3. Pre-set up 9 programs of training mode, each mode is simulated real AED scenarios that meet the latest international training standards, and BLS process can be suspended or continued anytime.
  4. Fault simulation, choosen via remote control, including “Something else touches patient’s body during defibrillation”, “wrong position of electrode pad”, “no need of defibrillation”, “need difibrillation”, “machine error” and “battery low”.
  5. Can be used with manikins in any code and produced by any factory.

Child CPR Manikin (Wireless)

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  • External chest compression with alarm warning
    1. Child compression depth: at least 1/3 times of thoracic anteroposterior diameter, about 5cm;
    2. Indicator light and alarm warning will be triggered if compression is incorrect.
  • Simulate standard airway opening
  • Artificial mouth to mouth (insufflation) respiration with alarm warning;
    • indicator light and alarm for blow-in tidal volume “<150ml~200ml<”;
    • indicator light for tidal volume “150ml~200ml” (correct);
    • If blowing too fast or too much, the indicator light in the stomach will be on with alarm warning;
  • Operating period: Ratio of compression and respiration is 30:2/singe person or 15:2/ two persons, 5 cycles of CPR operation need to be completed.
  • Operating frequency: the newest international standard: at least 100-120 times/min.
  • Operating mode: Training
  • Carotid pulse reaction: manually squeeze the bulb to simulate the carotid pulse
  • Working condition: adopts 220V external power source, or use 4 pcs 1# battery for field training.
Item No. Bluetooth control box PAD Result print Remote control
MedMod/CPR200B +   + +
MedMod/CPR200W   + +  
MedMod/CPR200W+ + + + +

Infant CPR Training Manikin (Wireless)

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  • Chest external compression with alarm warning
  • Simulate standard airway opening
  • Artificial mouth to mouth respiration (insufflations) with alarm warning
  • Operating period: Ratio of compression and respiration is 30:2/singe person or 15:2/ two persons, 5 cycles of CPR operation need to be completed.
  • Operating frequency: the newest international standard: at least 100-120 times/min.
  • Operating mode: Training
  • Brachial artery reaction: manually squeeze the bulb to simulate the brachial artery pulse.
  • Working condition: adopts 220V external power source, or use 4 pcs 1# battery for field training.
Item No. Bluetooth control box PAD Result print Remote control
MedMod/CPR300B +   + +
MedMod/CPR300W   + +  
MedMod/CPR300W+ + + + +

Price: xx zł

Infant CPR Manikin

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  1. Simulating standard open airway
  2. Manually external breast compression with finger(s)
  3. Respiration: during mouth-to-mouth & mouth-to-nose artificial respiration, chest rise can be seen
  4. Operating period: one period includes five cycles of CPR according to ratio of compression and artificial respiration
    (30:2/single or 15:2/double)
  5. Compression frequency: 100-120 times per minute
  6. Compression depth: it should be 1/3 of chest anteroposterior diameter at least, about 4cm.
  7. Pinch the pressure ball by hand to simulate brachial artery pulse
  8. Supports colostomy care
  9. Simulates abdominal suture and supports wound care
  10. Working condition: Input power is 110-240V

Price: xx zł

Infant Obstruction Manikin


  1. Artificial respiration and external chest compression
  2. Simulation of natural airway, chest expand when airway opened
  3. Airway opening and chest compression
  4. Accurate anatomy, proportion of the standard live baby design
  5. Simulation of body airway obstruction.

Price: xx zł

Child CPR Manikin

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  1. Simulate standard open airway
  2. External breast compression: display device and alarm device
    1. Indicator light display of correct and wrong compression; alarm of wrong compression
    2. Intensity display of correct (2-3 cm) and wrong (<2cm or >3cm) compression; alarm of wrong compression
  3. Artificial respiration (inhalation): display device and alarm device
    1. Inhalation <150-200ml or > 200ml, wrong indicator light display and alarm prompting; Inhalation between 150-200ml right indicator light display
    2. Inhalation too quickly or too much result in air entering into stomach; indicator light display and alarm prompting
  4. Ratio of compression and artificial respiratory: 30:2 (one person) or 15:2 (two persons)
  5. Operating cycle: one cycle includes five times of 30:2 or 15:2 ratio of compression and artificial respiration
  6. Operation frequency: at least 100-120 times per minute
  7. Operation methods: exercise operation
  8. Examination of carotid response: pinch the pressure ball by hand and simulate carotid pulse
  9. Working conditions: Input power is 110-240V

Price: xx zł


Fantomy, które zniosą wszystko.

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Działamy na rynku fantomów od 2008 roku, Fantomy są nasza pasją, posiadamy unikalna wiedzę na temat swoich produktów oraz tych konkurencyjnych. Sprzedajemy tylko sprawdzone podczas ćwiczeń modele lub te które poznaliśmy osobiście podczas targów medycznych w Dusseldorfie, Poznaniu, Shanghaju czy Hong Kongu. Korzystamy z informacji na temat modeli bezpośrednio od producentów. Dokonujemy także zakupów bezpośrednich na różnych rynkach. Prowadzimy consulting którego celem jest odpowiedni dobór modeli do potrzeb przy zachowaniu kosztów zakupu na odpowiednim poziomie dla klienta. Nasza marka MEDMOD na stałe zagościła w Polsce i jest wspierana poprzez profesjonalny serwis, doradztwo oraz krótkie terminy dostawy wybranych towarów. Zanim kupisz gdzieś coś – zapytaj nas o opinię – może się ona przydać. Zapraszamy do kontaktu -- @@@

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Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne
Tomasz Biliński dla MedMod © 2017