Kliniczne modele treningowe

Venous Intervention Simulator


  1. Adult's upper body, realistic morphology and true texture.
  2. Standard puncture position and obvious marks on body surface, easy for location.
  3. Vein catheterization
    • Median cubital vein, internal jugular vein and subclavian vein all allow venous puncture practice. And there's backflow of blood for proper puncture;
    • Can simulate difficult intubation;
  4. Chemotherapy pump
    • Show the path and operation method of embedding chemotherapy pump internally;
    • Clearly react all the possible abnormal conditions caused by the pump in the body: chemotherapy pump incline, shifting and rolling over;
    • Available exercise on touching where to place the internal chemotherapy pump;
    • Practice in disinfection before administration and injection;
    • Equipped with 3 different thoracic muscle modules to simulate shallow, moderate and deep embedment of chemotherapy pump;
  5. Show the path and method of subcutaneously central vein catheterization.
  6. Allow operation such as medicine transfusion, fluid infusion, blood specimen collection, heparinization and nutrition supply treatment, etc.

Price: xx zł

Lumbar Puncture Model


  1. In order to observe the shape of vertebral, the place of the L1 and L2 is uncovered.
  2. L3-L5 spinous process and sacrococcyx are the functional positions for puncturing. Clear marks on these parts facilitate to skills training, including lumbar anesthesia, epidural anesthesia and caudal anesthesia.
  3. The exercise process can be operated in sitting position or lateral position.

Price: xx zł

Peritoneal Dialysis Simulator


  1. The peritoneal dialysis model is specially designed for medical persons.
  2. Standard position of ostomy and simulative liquid will flow out.

Price: xx zł

Rectal Touch Examination Simulator

Digital rectal examination is the most necessary and simple examination method for BPH and rectal neoplasms. The model features clear anatomy structure of anus, rectum and prostate, vivid appearance, realistic touch feeling, easy replacement of prostate and rectum connection parts.


  1. Prostate palpation:
    1. Normal prostate: chestnuts size, can touch sulcus of prostate;
    2. BPH: I degree of hyperplasia, egg size, shallow of sulcus of prostate;
    3. BPH: II degree of prostatic hyperplasia, duck egg size, absent of sulcus of prostate;
    4. BPH: III degree of prostatic hyperplasia, severe prostatic enlargement, regular surface and hard texture, goose’ egg size, cannot touch the bottom of the prostate;
  2. Rectum palpation:
    1. Normal rectum
    2. Rectum polyps: Most is solitary, with peduncular polyp;
    3. Early rectum cancer: Palpable of tumor nodules on rectal wall surface, hard texture;
    4. Advanced rectum cancer: Little big tumor nodules are palpable on rectal wall surface, with uneven surface, hard texture, the late development stage of rectum cancer.

Price: xx zł

Rectal Touch Exmaination Simulator


  1. Replica of an adult buttocks with realistic appearance;
  2. Made from high polymer material, environmental protection, and high simulation
  3. Rectal examination body position: left lateral position
  4. 13 kinds of intestines problem and 9 kinds simulative faeces for recognition
  5. The simulative faeces can be easily put into its fixator, which makes it convenient for training and assessment

Price: xx zł

Prostate Examination Simulator


Basing on different degrees of prostate carcinoma, we design four interchangeable prostates:

  1. Benign, slightly enlarged, but normal prostate gland simulates benign stage.
  2. Prostate with two discreet, hard nodules (one is at left lobe; the other is at right lobe) simulate beginning stage.
  3. Prostate with easily palpable large mass simulation intermediate stage. The small nodule has ncreased in size and has become an external hard mass on the surface of the gland.
  4. Prostate with malignant invasive cancer simulation terminal stage. This gland is totally replaced with carcinoma. The entire gland will feel hard and irregular

Price: xx zł

Varicose Vein Model


  1. Replica of an adult lower limb with obvious anatomical marks, including groin, complete thign, shank and foot.
  2. Made from high polymer material, environmental protection and high simulation.
  3. Manually squeeze the bulb to simulate femoral artery pulse.
  4. Supports great saphenous vein and calf vein group resection, great saphenous vein is very obvious, easy to ascertain during operation.
  5. Supports incision suture training.
  6. Available repeated exerceise.
  7. The skin and vessels are replaceable.

Price: xx zł

Surgical Suture & Bandage Model


  1. Replica of an adult torso, 20 kinds of surgical incision available for recoginition, including thyreoidectomy, sternotomy (catheter drainage); mammectomy;
    pneumothorax catheter drainage; body odor surgery, breast abscess incision, femoral artery puncture incisions, cholecystectomy (catheter drainage), exploratory laparotomy, abdominohysterectomy, appendicectomy, colostomy, ileostomy, bladder colostomy surgery, inguinal hernia, nephrectomy, laminotomy, phase II pressure ulcers, amputation, thoracotomy;
  2. Used with real skin stapler to make surture for some incisions, easy for teaching demonstration.

Price: xx zł

Cricothyroid Membrane Puncture and Cut Simulator


  1. Trachea anatomy is standard; trachea is touchable.
  2. Simulate dorsal position and neck extending
  3. Percutaneous tracheostomy, including various incision: longitudinal incision, transverse incision, crisscross incision, U shape and inverted-U shape incision
  4. Cricothyrotomy endotracheal intubation

Price: xx zł

Preoperative Aseptic Technique Simulator


  1. Replica of an adult torso with lifelike texture, obvious landmarks and vivid appearance.
  2. Supports disinfection and operating drape methods.

Price: xx zł


Fantomy, które zniosą wszystko.

Kim jesteśmy?

Działamy na rynku fantomów od 2008 roku, Fantomy są nasza pasją, posiadamy unikalna wiedzę na temat swoich produktów oraz tych konkurencyjnych. Sprzedajemy tylko sprawdzone podczas ćwiczeń modele lub te które poznaliśmy osobiście podczas targów medycznych w Dusseldorfie, Poznaniu, Shanghaju czy Hong Kongu. Korzystamy z informacji na temat modeli bezpośrednio od producentów. Dokonujemy także zakupów bezpośrednich na różnych rynkach. Prowadzimy consulting którego celem jest odpowiedni dobór modeli do potrzeb przy zachowaniu kosztów zakupu na odpowiednim poziomie dla klienta. Nasza marka MEDMOD na stałe zagościła w Polsce i jest wspierana poprzez profesjonalny serwis, doradztwo oraz krótkie terminy dostawy wybranych towarów. Zanim kupisz gdzieś coś – zapytaj nas o opinię – może się ona przydać. Zapraszamy do kontaktu -- @@@

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Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne
Tomasz Biliński dla MedMod © 2017