Anatomia - stomatologia
Relief Model of Urinary System
- Shows the structure of the urinary system, including kidney, ureter, bladder, etc.
- 30 positions are displayed.
- Size: Life size, 33cm x 9cm x 3cm.
- Material: Advanced PVC
- G.W.: 2.2 kg
Price: xx zł
Model of Bladder
- According to the normal bladder
- Size: Life size
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Block Model of Urinary System
- Shows the structure of the urinary system, including kidney, ureter, bladder, etc.
- 19 positions are displayed.
- Size: Life size, 3 parts
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Urinary System
- Shows bladder, prostate and right kidney.
- Separated into 4 parts and 22 positions are displayed.
- Size: 41cm x 28cm x 13cm
- Material: Advanced PVC
- G.W.: 2.95kg
Price: xx zł
Kidney Model
- Shows the anatomical structure of kidney, including cortical substance, medulla, minor renal calices, greater renal calices, pelvis of ureter, ureter, renal arteries, renal vena, etc.
- 15 positions are displayed.
- Size: 3 times life size
Price: xx zł
Kidney Model
- Consists of 2 parts, shows the anatomical structure kidney, including cortical substance, medulla, proximal convoluted tubule, distalconvoluted tubule, connecting canal, mammillary ducts, minor renal calices, greater renal calices, pelvis of ureter, ureter, interlobular arteries and vena, renal arteries and vena, adrenal gland.
- Size: Life size, 2 parts
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Diseased Kidney
- Pathological changes of kidney
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Deluxe Kidney With Adrenal Gland
- Shows the anatomical structure kidney, including cortical substance, medulla, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, connecting canal, mammillary ducts, minor renal calices, greater renal calices, pelvis of ureter, ureter, interlobular arteries and vena, renal arteries and vena,adrenal gland.
- Size: 3 times enlarged
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Kidney with Adrenal Gland
- Shows the anatomical structure kidney, including cortical substance, medulla, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, connecting canal, mammillary ducts, minor renal calices, greater renal calices, pelvis of ureter, ureter, interlobular arteries and vena, renal arteries and vena, adrenal gland.
- Size: 2 times enlarged
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł