Spinal Injury Transport Simulation Standardized Patient


  1. Full body manikin with injuries at neck and spine, which can be used to examine how to transport neck fracture patients and spinal injury patients.
  2. Voice prompts for incorrect positions when neck bows forward, leans backward and turn to left and right; voice prompts for incorrect positions during waist anteflexion and rear extension.
  3. Voice prompts for wrong operation, and it will disappear when the manikin is placed correctly.
  4. Pupils: one normal and the other mydriasis for contrast teaching demonstration
  5. Supports trachea cannula and tracheotomy care.
  6. Adopts straight moving with several persons. Avoid single person embacing the chest and moving alone in case of second spinal cord injury.
  7. Equiped with several sensors, voice prompts will be activated when the transport method is wrong.
  8. Supports multiple nursing skills, e.g. Nasal feeding, ileostomy and colonstomy care, stoma irrigation, urethral catheterization, and deltoids injection.
  9. Working condition: use DC 12V external power or rechargeable lithium battery.

Price: xx zł


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