Maternal and Neonatal Childbirth Emergency Training System

Feature & Function:

  1. Realistic anatomical structure of the puerpera with flexible limbs, and supports lithotomy position.
  2. Removable abdominal cover, fetus for delivery comes with flexible limbs and supports all kinds of fetal positions.
  3. Fetal heart sounds can be auscultated at the belly.
  4. Supports prenatal Leopold maneuver to check fetal positions.
  5. Auto delivery system, simulates the whole process of childbirth, and the fetal head descending position and dilation of cervical os can be measured during childbirth.
  6. Supports puerpera tracheal intubation.
  7. Puerpera’s arm supports venepuncture and allows drug therapy.
  8. Puerpera nursing care, including basic nursing, hair and face washing, oxygen inhalation and oral cavity care, etc.
  9. Cervical modules support prenatal cervical examination and simulate 6 stages of cervical dilation.
  10. Simulates all kinds of dystocia, e.g.: placenta previa, prolapse of cord, cord around neck, breech delivery.
  11. Episiotomy modules include left incision, median incision and right incision; allow postoperative wound care for perineotom.
  12. Uterus, 48 hours after delivery, can simulate postpartum uterus bleeding.
  13. Emergency and vital signs monitoring: manually simulates carotid pulse, supports BP measurement and CPR Training.
  14. Neonatal emergency nursing manikin supports neonatal care, neonatal CPR, trachea intubation, venepuncture and tibia puncture, etc.

Price: xx zł

High Intelligent Digital Training System of Obstetrics and Gynecology Skills (computer-controlled)

This is a computer interactive emergency delivery training system with powerful functions and comprehensive knowledge in subjects such as gynecology, obstetrics, paediatrics, first aid and nursing, etc. It mainly contains two sections: puerperal system and neonatal system, which covers first-aid knowledge points of the entire labor process, basic nursing, postpartum nursing care and BLS of infant and Mother, ACLS and PLS. It provides classical dystocia cases, e.g, normal labor, cord around neck delivery, breech dystocia, preeclampsia, caesarean birth, prolapse of umbilical cord, premature birth and potential hemorrhage before, during and after delivery. It clearly instructs obstetrical workers to identify different natal stages through partogram, diagnose abnormal labor stages in clinic and deal with it properly; to diagnose fetal distress in time by clinical fetal monitoring and handle it; and to train nursing care and emergency treatment for neonates. The software can self-edit clinical cases, simulate real clinical environment and cultivate students' ability in clinical diagnosis and team cooperation for labor and emergency cases.


  1. Consists of puerperal system and neonatal system, and each system consists of manikin, computer, control cabinet and ECG monitor;
  2. Great case edit functions make illness state vary with the clinical treatment, which can cultivate correct clinical thoughts and cooperative spirit of group for students;
    1. Designed with many real cases, so it is easy to apply the software;
    2. Edit course of disease as required, and the edit method is simple;
    3. When course of disease starts, it can be stopped, suspended, playback, and Teacher can change the vital signs of "patient" at any time to change the course, which can make treatment more difficult to check students’ strain capacity
  3. The puerperal features natural anatomical structure, with flexible limbs and dorsal lithotomy position can be realized.
    1. Take off the abdominal cover, fetus with flexible joints can be seen and it can realize multiple fetal positions;
    2. Equipped with gravid uterus, and allows Leopold maneuvers;
    3. The chest skin can be connected to simulators such as ECG, defibrillator, temporary external pacemaker and AED, etc;
    4. Comes with a built-in inductor, which can sense operations such as trachea cannula, chest compression and ventilation, intravenous injection, etc;
    5. Forearm intravenous injection: There will be "POP" feeling and blood return can be seen if puncture is correctly done. The skin and vessels are replaceable.
  4. Labor of Stages & Fetal Heart Monitoring
    1. FHR & UC monitoring: Easily set up all kinds of index of fetal vital signs and uterine contraction, and there’re real-time dynamic graphics during fetus monitoring, and the graph paper can be saved and printed;
    2. Auto delivery: By drawing partogram and setting up the 1st, 2nd and 3rd labor stages, the manikin can automatically demonstrate the childbirth process, including engagement, descending, flexion, inner rotation, spread, restoration and outer rotation, shoulder presentation and fetal birth, accompanied with uterine contraction, and the labor speed is adjustable;
    3. Dystocia: Simulate all kinds of dystocia by setting up the software, changing the fetal position, and adjusting the pelvic bony stenosis degree; and the partogram will reflect the dystocia course.
    4. Birth process can be suspended and repeated, so it’s easy for classroom teaching.
  5. Neonate, flexible limbs, with realistic anatomic structures of ribs, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, trachea, esophagus and umbilical cord, etc.
    1. Allows umbilical venous cannula to extract blood or inject into medicine;
    2. There will be obvious "POP" feeling and bone marrow can be extracted if tibia puncture is correctly done;
    3. There will be obvious "POP" feeling, and vein blood can be extracted if puncture is correctly done, and medicine can be injected into the neonatal manikin.
  6. Newborn Cyanosis Emergency System
    1. Cyanosis changes on newborn cheek, lips, hands, legs with different degree, mild or serious;
    2. Equipped with 5-speed position to adjust the cyanosis condition;
    3. Treatment: apply oxygen therapy and injection therapy to the newborn if necessary; rational dosage is required on the basis of baby’s body weight;
  7. CPR: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR & ECC
    1. Two operation mode: Training & Assessment
    2. Set up different assessment criterion for different group (first-aid major, medical major, ordinary people) and different age group (adult, child, infant), with different complexity;
    3. Three patterns for setting assessment criterion:
      1. default;
      2. the computer automatically measures the whole data of teacher’s practical operation and make it as the standard, instead of an abstract value set by the tender-self, which makes the standard close to the actual operation;
      3. tolerance interval setting;
  8. Simulate Bedside Monitoring System: completely same as clinical monitor, dynamically displays manikin’s physiological parameters such as SpO2, BP (SBP, DBP, MABP, IBP, NIBP), breath curves, respiratory rate, heart rate, ECG, ETCO2, Temperature, etc.
  9. Defibrillation:
    1. Allow to practice operation skills for synchronized defibrillation or nonsynchronous defibrillation;
    2. Free to set defibrillation energy (1-360J) and defibrillation times (1-3);
    3. Prompts for both correct and wrong defibrillation;
    4. ECG shows various waveforms for defibrillation each time;
    5. Auto system response after correct defibrillation, it recovers to normal sinus ECG, whereas, it shows death ECG;
  10. AED Skills Points:
    1. Critical "Patient" Life Support:
    2. Use ECG monitor
    3. CPR
    4. Electric defibrillation: Synchronous electrovert & AED
    5. External pace-making
    6. Trachea Cannula
    7. Sputum suction and atomizing inhalation
    8. Hair washing, breast nursing, venepuncture, etc.
  11. Labor Stages Monitoring:
    1. Fetal Heart Monitor
    2. Perineum Incision and Suture
    3. Leopold maneuvers
    4. Partogram drawing and application
    5. Vaginal delivery
  12. Vacuum delivery (obstetrics forceps/fetal head aspirator) Newborn Emergency & Nursing Skills:
    1. First-aid for cyanosis ECG monitor application
    2. Tibia puncture CPR
    3. Electric defibrillation: Synchronous electrovert & AED External pace-making
    4. Trachea cannula
    5. Umbilical ligation, nursing, umbilical venous blood collection, umbilical venous cannula, etc.
    6. Nasal feeding, oxygen inhalation, intravenous injection via umbilical vein, forearm vein and great saphenous vein, etc.


Price: xx zł

High Intelligence Delivery Simulation System

System Composition:

  • Puerperal Manikin
  • Newborn
  • Fetus

Main function of Gravida Manikin:

  1. Spontaneous lachrymation and sweat
  2. Simulate colporrhagia, massive haemorrhage and abdominal amniotic fluid, etc.
  3. Simulate all kinds of cyanosis and pale complexion, etc.
  4. Chest rise during spontaneous respiration
  5. Simulate Uterine Contraction: UC intensity varies with the progress of labor stages.
  6. Simulate airway obstruction to realistically show ARDS performance
  7. Multiple arterial pulses
  8. Allow to auscultate hundreds of normal and abnormal heart sounds, lung sounds, bowel sounds and fetal heart sounds
  9. Comes with 80 kinds of preinstalled voice to simulate puerperal chief complaint.
  10. Vital signs monitoring: BO monitor, BP monitor and ECG monitoring, and supports monitoring the whole process of the uterine cavity from awaiting delivery, parturition and postpartum care.
  11. With real anatomical structure
  12. Uterine cavity monitoring: Available real-time curve changes of UC & FHR
  13. The descending position of fetal head is controlled by the software, and coordinate with antenatal cervical and birth canal variation modules to measure the status of fetal head descent and cervix dilation.
  14. Urethral catheterization
  15. Delivery: Demonstration of LOA delivery, accompanied with auto uterine contraction, including engagement, decent, flexion, inner rotation, spread, restoration and outer rotation, fetal shoulder and fetus deliver, and the labor speed can be adjusted according to the teaching requirements.

First Aid:

  1. Simulate defibrillation and pace-making
  2. Intravenous injection (hand & arm), intramuscular injection (deltoid, lateral thigh)
  3. Infusion pump usage flow training
  4. CPR Training
  5. Drug therapy system: medicine species and dosage can be identified, and relative physiological changes will occur after drug administration.

Price: xx zł


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