Anatomia - stomatologia
Mammary Gland in Lactation
- Separated into 2 parts, mounted on a base and 12 positions displayed.
- Size: 18cm x 11cm x 12cm
- Material: Advanced PVC
- G.W.: 1kg
Price: xx zł
Mammary Gland in Resting Period
- Separated into 2 parts, mounted on a base and12 positions displayed.
- Size: 14cm x 12cm x 10cm
- Material: Advanced PVC
- G.W.: 0.65kg
Price: xx zł
Anatomical Uterus
- The mode is dissected in sagittal sections, shows bladder, uterus, vagina, ureter and ovary.
- This model consists of 2 parts and 15 positions are displayed.
- Size: Life size
- Material: Advanced PVC
- G.W.: 0.605kg
Price: xx zł
Female Inner Genital Organ
- The front of the model shows coronal section of uterus and vagina, and the back shows coronal section of ovary and ureter.
- 19 positions are displayed.
- Size: 7cm x 15cm x 12 cm
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Female Pelvis with Blood vessels and Nervers
- The model shows representation of the external and internal genital organs with the pelvis floor with network of nerves and vessels.
- 71 positions are displayed.
- Size: Life size
- Material: Advanced PVC
- G.W.: 1.2kg
Price: xx zł
Female Interal Genital Organ
- The model shows coronal section of uterus and vagina. and the back shows coronal section of ovary and ureter.
- 19 positions are displayed.
- Size: Life size
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Median Section of Female Pelvis
- The model shows female genital organs with bladder and rectum.
- The model is mounted on a board and separated into 2 parts. 27 positions are displayed.
- Size: Life size
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Median Section of Male Pelvis
- The model consists of 4 parts and is mounted on a board.
- Shows rectum, bladder with prostate and testicular duct, and external genital organs.
- Size: Life size
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Female Genital Organ
- Shows the internal and external female genital organs.
- The model consists of 4 parts and mounted on a stand.40 positions are displayed.
- Size: Life size
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Male Genital Organs
- The model is dissected in median and mounted on a stand.
- Shows the penis, prostate, bladder, seminal vesicle, spermatic cord and inguinal canal and base.
- 72 positions are displayed.
- Size: Life size
Price: xx zł
Female Pelvis
- The model, mounted on a board, shows female genital organs with bladder and rectum.
- Size: 1/2 Life size
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Male Pelvis
- The model consists of 4 parts and is mounted on a board.
- Shows rectum, bladder with prostate and testicular duct, and external genital organs.
- Size: Life size
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł
Kidney, Nephron and Glomerulus
- This unit consists of 3 models. They show the structure of the renal section plane (including cortical substance, medulla, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, connecting canal, mammillary ducts, minor renal calices, greater renal calices, pelvis of ureter, ureter), nephron structure, glomerulus (including renal capsule, glomus), and blood vessels.
- Renal section plane displays 28 positions, nephron displays 19 positions, and golmerus displays 14 positions.
- Material: Advanced PVC
- G.W.: 1.7kg
Price: xx zł
Kidney with Adrenal Gland
- Shows the anatomical structure kidney, including cortical substance, medulla, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, connecting canal, mammillary ducts, minor renal calices, greater renal calices, pelvis of ureter, ureter, interlobular arteries and vena, renal arteries and vena, adrenal gland.
- Size: 2 times enlarged
- Material: Advanced PVC
Price: xx zł