Comprehensive Gynecological Examination Torso
- Replica of a female adult torso with accurate anatomical structures such as bilateral clavicles, armpit, breast,ribs, sternum, xiphoid, perineum and anterior superior spine, etc.
- Made from high polymer material
- Supports palaption for breast lumps, and all kinds of common mammary tumors are embedded in the different positions of the breast, including malignant tumor with hard texture and not-smooth surface, benign tumor with relatively soft texture and smooth surface and lymph gland, etc.
- Simulates normal and abnormal uteri palpation, supports bi-manual pelvic and tri-manual pelvic examination.
- Visual recoginition of normal and abnormal cervices.
- Vaginal examination by means of speculum and colposcopy.
- Digital examination of rectum
- Female catheterization
- The perineum part can be opened, which makes it easy to replace the uterine accessories.
Price: xx zł