Comprehensive Puncture and Percussion Examination Skills Training Simulator
- Realistic Manikin
- Automatic carotid artery, right femoral artery pulse and left femoral artery pulse, realistic palpation feeling;
- Percussion: supports training in pneumothorax, hydrothorax, hepatic dullness and shifting abdominal dullness in abdomen
- While liver puncture operation, palpation of liver area, patient may groan; Liver puncture with breath holding prompts to limit puncture time
- Realistic and obvious body surface symbol: sternomastoid muscle, sterna angle, appendix ensiformis, clavicle, cervical rib, anterior superior, etc;
- Replaceable bone marrow puncture modules
- Voice prompts for proper puncture and wrong puncture
- 2. Convenient and flexible console
- Convenient to move, simple fixation and stable
- Manikin’s body position can be easily changed according to operation, such as supine position, sitting position, semi-sitting position, right arm reclining, prone position, anteverted sitting position, etc;
- Buttons on the control panel for choice and comes with a human torso amd prompts for needle penetrating sites.
- Realistically simulate operation process, provide 10 puncture sites:
- right internal jugular venipuncture
- right subclavian venipuncture
- right femoral venipuncture
- left pneumothorax puncture
- left pleural effusion puncture
- liver puncture and pus aspiration
- abdominocentesis
- pericardiocentesis
- intracardiac injection
- anterior superior iliac spinebone marrow puncture
- With touch-button on the control panel, illustrate the clinical meaning and operation methods of puncture sites in detail.
- Before puncture, there willl be workflow explanation; and there will be voice prompts and indicator light prompts for correct or wrong operation position;
- Available voice prompts to explain operation in training mode; unavailable of this function in test mode
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