Comprehensive Puncture and Percussion Examination Skills Training Simulator


  1. Realistic Manikin
    1. Automatic carotid artery, right femoral artery pulse and left femoral artery pulse, realistic palpation feeling;
    2. Percussion: supports training in pneumothorax, hydrothorax, hepatic dullness and shifting abdominal dullness in abdomen
    3. While liver puncture operation, palpation of liver area, patient may groan; Liver puncture with breath holding prompts to limit puncture time
    4. Realistic and obvious body surface symbol: sternomastoid muscle, sterna angle, appendix ensiformis, clavicle, cervical rib, anterior superior, etc;
    5. Replaceable bone marrow puncture modules
    6. Voice prompts for proper puncture and wrong puncture
  2. 2. Convenient and flexible console
    1. Convenient to move, simple fixation and stable
    2. Manikin’s body position can be easily changed according to operation, such as supine position, sitting position, semi-sitting position, right arm reclining, prone position, anteverted sitting position, etc;
    3. Buttons on the control panel for choice and comes with a human torso amd prompts for needle penetrating sites.
  3. Realistically simulate operation process, provide 10 puncture sites:
    1. right internal jugular venipuncture
    2. right subclavian venipuncture
    3. right femoral venipuncture
    4. left pneumothorax puncture
    5. left pleural effusion puncture
    6. liver puncture and pus aspiration
    7. abdominocentesis
    8. pericardiocentesis
    9. intracardiac injection
    10. anterior superior iliac spinebone marrow puncture
  4. With touch-button on the control panel, illustrate the clinical meaning and operation methods of puncture sites in detail.
  5. Before puncture, there willl be workflow explanation; and there will be voice prompts and indicator light prompts for correct or wrong operation position;
  6. Available voice prompts to explain operation in training mode; unavailable of this function in test mode

Price: xx zł


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  • znamy rynek
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  • elastyczność i szybkie decyzje zakupowe oraz rozwiązania logistyczne

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Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne
Tomasz Biliński dla MedMod © 2017