Comprehensive Emergency Training System (Adult)


Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC

  1. Head
    1. Simulated pupils: select different state of pupils, including mydriasis, normal pupils and pin-point pupils.
    2. Manikin’s voice: A large number of speech data is stored in the system. Manikin can make different voice according to the pathogenetic conditions, and the volume and Play Mode can be set via the software.
  2. Pulse
    1. Supports real artery pulse, e.g. carotid pulse, radial pulse and femoral artery pulse can be palpated.
    2. Pulse frequency is same as heart rate.
  3. Breath
    1. Manikin supports real spontaneous respiration with chest rise.
    2. Exhalation of simulative gas CO2.
    3. Separate control of left/right lung.
    4. Supports multiple breathing modes, and respiratory rate and depth is adjustable.
  4. Airway management
    1. tracheal intubation via mouth, correctly insert into the trachea, pull out of the trachea, mistakenly insert into the esophagus, and the software can show all the operation in real time.
    2. Tracheotomy operation and care.
    3. Airway opening: three head postures: looking up, lying flat, lifting forehead, any change on the head posture can be relatively shown on the software.
    4. Simulate tongue swelling
    5. Stiff neck
    6. Laryngospasm
    7. Trismus
    8. Pharyngeal obstruction
  5. Auscultation
    1. Breath sounds
    2. Heart sounds
    3. Bowel sounds
  6. BP
    1. measure blood pressure witrh simulative BP control box.
    2. Real Korotkoff's Sound can be heard.
  7. Monitoring of Vital Signs
    1. Pulse, BP, blood oxygen monitoring, ECG monitoring, etc.
    2. ECG: a large quantity of data stored in the system, supports real ECG monitoring, and simulates Electrocardiogram of various diseases.
  8. First Aid
    1. CPR: According to AHA 2015 guideline for CPR, supports multiple ventilation ways: mouth to mouth and BVM to mouth,
      etc; electronically monitor airway opening, blowing volume, blowing frequency, blowing times, compression sites, compression times, compression depth and frequency, upload the data which collects from the sensor to the computer, so the operation can be shown in real time, and the software can automatically judge if the operation is correct or not.
    2. Defibrillation: support real and simulative defibrillation
    3. Pace-making: support real and simulative pace-making, and the software monitors pace-making beginning, pace-making capture beginning, pace-making heart rate, pace-making capture ending and pace-making end.
  9. Drug administration
    1. Intramuscular injection: subcutaneous injection and intramuscular injection at bilateral deltoids; intramuscular injection at bilateral vastus lateralis muscles, buttock intramuscular injection
    2. Intravenous injection: arm intravenous injection or transfusion (blood transfusion)
    3. Operate simulative infusion pump and injection pump.
  10. Pneumothorax puncture
    1. Manually squeeze the bulb, puncture at bilateral midclavicular line, the second rib with puncture needle, and gas can be drawn out after successful puncture
  11. Thoracentesis & Drainage
    1. Perform thoracentesis and drainage at right midaxillary line, the 6th - 7th rib, and liquid can be drawn out after successful puncture.
  12. Basic nursing function
    1. Comes with fixed artificial teeth for oral cavity care
    2. Supports basic nursing operation, e.g. Face washing and hair washing, eye and ear rinsing
    3. The limbs are flexible enough for movement, left and right, up and down. The neck and mandibular joint are also movable, which makes it possible for training in clothing changes, binding up and fracture fixation, etc.
    4. Supports oxygen inhalation and multiple oxygen supply modes (via nasal catheter & mouth mask, etc), and the concentration of oxygen therapy is adjustable.
    5. Gastric intubation: simulates gaseous distention and supports gastrointestinal decompression training.
    6. Supports colostomy care and rectum stoma care.
    7. Interchangeable male and female genital organs for male catheterization and female catheterization.
    8. Supports enema operation.
  13. Case Training /Assessment
    1. Multiple emergency cases are built in the software, and users can directly select one for training.
    2. Independent case edit module for users to edit the cases as required.
  14. Monitoring software
    1. Monitor all kinds of vital signs and get parameters.

Price: xx zł


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Działamy na rynku fantomów od 2008 roku, Fantomy są nasza pasją, posiadamy unikalna wiedzę na temat swoich produktów oraz tych konkurencyjnych. Sprzedajemy tylko sprawdzone podczas ćwiczeń modele lub te które poznaliśmy osobiście podczas targów medycznych w Dusseldorfie, Poznaniu, Shanghaju czy Hong Kongu. Korzystamy z informacji na temat modeli bezpośrednio od producentów. Dokonujemy także zakupów bezpośrednich na różnych rynkach. Prowadzimy consulting którego celem jest odpowiedni dobór modeli do potrzeb przy zachowaniu kosztów zakupu na odpowiednim poziomie dla klienta. Nasza marka MEDMOD na stałe zagościła w Polsce i jest wspierana poprzez profesjonalny serwis, doradztwo oraz krótkie terminy dostawy wybranych towarów. Zanim kupisz gdzieś coś – zapytaj nas o opinię – może się ona przydać. Zapraszamy do kontaktu -- @@@

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  • znamy rynek
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  • fantomy to nasza pasja
  • optymalizujemy wydatki naszych klientów
  • pełny zakres wsparcia posprzedażowego
  • szybkie terminy realizacji
  • elastyczność i szybkie decyzje zakupowe oraz rozwiązania logistyczne

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Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne
Tomasz Biliński dla MedMod © 2017