Ear Inspection Simulator
- Simulation of right ear, standard intra-aural examination site
- Accurate anatomical structure of auricle, external auditory canal, tympanic membrane;
- Ear lesion examination via otoscope;
- Provide 24 kinds of ear lesion components for convenient replacing;
- Including:
- Normal tympanic membrane
- Retracted tympanic membrane
- Small tympanic membrane perforation
- Whole tympanic membrane perforation
- Traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane
- Dry central perforation of the posterior
- Myringotomy with insertion of tube
- Bullous myringitis
- Herpes blisters on the tympanic membrane
- Eardrum Tympanosclerosis
- Tympanosclerosis crescentic sclerosis plaques
- Serous otitis media effusion
- Congestive early acute otitis media
- Acute otitis media
- Purulent otitis media
- Chronic suppurative otitis media
- Pearl-tumor
- Foreign body in ear
- Ear washing and drops
- Earwax clean-up operation practice
- Ear lesions component easy to replace.
Price: xx zł