Ginekologia - położnictwo

Prenatal Cervix and Birth Canal Model


  1. 1. Six labor stations selected to represent conditions of the cervix and vagina prior to labor, during labor, and at birth.
  2. 2. Stations illustrated are: STA-5 prior to onset of labor; STA-4 cervix partially effaced; STA-3 cervix fully effaced; STA-0 fetal head at plane of ischial spine: STA-2 cervix nearing full dilation; STA-5 crowning of fetal head.

PACKAGE SIZE: 43cm x 33cm x 16cm
G.W.: 4.4kg

Price: xx zł

Gynecological Examination Model


  1. Hysteroscopy checking
  2. Laparoscopic visualization checking, allow to observe the uterus, accessories and round ligament, etc.
  3. Palpation examination for pregnancy and postpartum uterine models
  4. Place and remove IUD
  5. Female condom can be used in vagina, and training in placing and removing contraceptive sponge, cervical cap, etc.
  6. Replaceable cervix and uterus
  7. Normal and abnormal uterus and accessories model & parts for bi manual examination and vagino-recto-abdominal examination
    1. Normal uterus and accessories (IUD can be placed into or removed from the anterior uterine wall.)
    2. Fibroid
    3. Uterus with hydrovarium of left fallopian tube
    4. Uterus with right salpingitis
    5. Uterus with malformation and right salpingitis
    6. Uterus with obvious anerversion and anteflexion
    7. Uterus with left ovarian cyst
  8. Normal and abnormal cervix models (for colposcopy)
    1. Normal cervix
    2. IUD placed into or removed from normal cervix
    3. Chronic cervicitis
    4. Cervix uteri
    5. Cervical polyp
    6. Cervical inflammation Naboth cyst
    7. Acute cervicitis
    8. Cervical adenocarcinoma
    9. Trichomonad cervicitis
    10. Cervical verruca acuminata
    11. Cervical vitiligo
  9. Normal and abnormal uterus examination model (for hysteroscopy)
    1. Normal uterus
    2. Endometrial polyp
    3. Endometrial hyperplasia
    4. Myoma of uterus
    5. Early stage of uterine body cancer
    6. Late stage of uterine body cancer
    7. Uterine fundus cancer
  10. Pregnant and postpartum uterine models
    1. 6-8 weeks early pregnancy uterus
    2. 10-12 weeks early pregnancy uterus
    3. 20 weeks pregnancy uterus
    4. Simulation of postpartum 48-hours uterus

Price: xx zł

Comprehensive Gynecological Examination Torso


  1. Replica of a female adult torso with accurate anatomical structures such as bilateral clavicles, armpit, breast,ribs, sternum, xiphoid, perineum and anterior superior spine, etc.
  2. Made from high polymer material
  3. Supports palaption for breast lumps, and all kinds of common mammary tumors are embedded in the different positions of the breast, including malignant tumor with hard texture and not-smooth surface, benign tumor with relatively soft texture and smooth surface and lymph gland, etc.
  4. Simulates normal and abnormal uteri palpation, supports bi-manual pelvic and tri-manual pelvic examination.
  5. Visual recoginition of normal and abnormal cervices.
  6. Vaginal examination by means of speculum and colposcopy.
  7. Digital examination of rectum
  8. Female catheterization
  9. The perineum part can be opened, which makes it easy to replace the uterine accessories.

Price: xx zł

Gynecological Training Model


  1. Normal and abnormal uteri palpation
  2. Bi-manual and tri-manual pelvic examination
  3. Vaginal speculum and colposcope examination
  4. Visually observe normal and abnormal lesion cervix
  5. Placing and removal of IUD
  6. Observe the septal size and position
  7. Observe the uterus, ovary, fallopian tube, round ligament and other structures
  8. Normal and abnormal cervix models
    1. normal cervix
    2. IUD placing and removal from normal cervix
    3. chronic cervicitis
    4. cervical laceration
    5. cervical polyp
    6. cervical inflammation Naboth cyst
    7. acute cervicitis
    8. cervical adenocarcinoma
    9. trichomonad cervicitis
    10. cervical verruca acuminata
    11. cervical vitiligo
  9. Normal and abnormal uteri and accessories models
    1. normal uterus and accessories (uterine anterior wall is transparent, and it supports placing and removal of IUD)
    2. myoma of uterus
    3. uterus with right hydrosalpinx
    4. uterus with right salpingitis
    5. uterus with right oviduct tubercle
    6. uterus with right tubal ovarian cyst
    7. uterus with obvious anteversion and anteflexion
    8. uterus with obvious hypsokinesis and retroflexion
    9. gravid uterus (five-month fetus)
    10. ectopic gestation
    11. salpingemphraxis

Price: xx zł

Gynecological Examination Simulator


  1. Palpation of normal and pregnant uterus
  2. Bi-manual pelvic and tri-manual pelvic examination
  3. Vaginal examination
  4. Contraceptive instrument insertion and removal
  5. Observation of uterus, ovary, fallopian tubes, and ligament teres.

Price: xx zł

Pelvis with Fetal Heads Model


  1. That can be observed during childbirth fetal relationship with the position of the pelvis.
  2. Can be intuitive demonstration, declining, prone lexion, rotation, backstretch, reset and external rotation, fetal childbirth, etc. The whole process of delivery.
  3. Can be used to demonstrate the use of forceps, when childbirth fetal attractor.

Price: xx zł

Fundus of Uterus Exam. & Evaluation Simulator


  1. With normal physiological changes of the postpartum women, provide assessment of postpartum fundus of uterus and massage skills training;
  2. Hip joint is movable and can be placed correct body position;
  3. Realistic anatomical landmark of united bones of toes;
  4. Interchangeable Uterus:
    1. Normal uterus
    2. Postpartum uterus of the first hour
    3. Postpartum uterus of the second day
    4. Postpartum uterus of the second week
    5. Callous uterus with good contraction
    6. Soft uterus without good contraction
  5. Expansion of vaginal orifice;
  6. Easy to separate the labium minus and expose the vagina;
  7. Lear energy of cunnus.

Price: xx zł

Pelvimetry Demonstration Model


  1. Model for adult pelvis, real size, shortage of anatomical structures
  2. Show the pelvic cavity surface of three products: pelvic entrance face, in the pelvis, pelvic exports
  3. Including hip, the sacrum, sacral promontory, coccyx, ischial spine, sacroiliac joints, iliac shame promontory, toe bone joint, to 4, 5, lumbar structure, etc.

Price: xx zł

Maternity Examination Simulator


  1. Palpation (four maneuvers of Leopold)
  2. Pelvic measurement
  3. Mammary nursing training
  4. Squeeze the bulb to inject the air into the uterus, which realistically simulates real state of a pregnant belly.

Price: xx zł

Maternity Examination Simulator (with FHS)


  1. Simulates a torso of adult female in supine position.
  2. Consists of breast, pubic symphysis, pelvis and fetus, etc.
  3. Supports practice in Leopold Maneuver, fetal heart sound auscultation, external pelvic measurement and mammary care.
  4. Manually squeeze the bulb to inflate the uterus to adjust its size to be close to real human status
  5. Necessary bones for abdominal measurement and pelvis measurement engraved in the simulator, which makes the palpation more realistic.
  6. The speed and volume of the fetal heart sound can be adjusted anytime, FHR: 80 - 180 bpm, and it varies with the frequency.

Price: xx zł

Difficult Labor Simulator


The simulator can demonstrate all kinds of difficult deliveries.

PACKAGE SIZE: 51cm x 24.5cm x 37cm
G.W.: 4.4kg

Price: xx zł

Vacuum Deliver Simulator


Smooth, soft skull with fontanelles for realistic vacuum delivery

PACKAGE SIZE: 51cm x 24.5cm x 37cm
G.W.: 4.4kg

Price: xx zł

Advanced Childbirth Education Training Simulator


  1. An anatomically correct pelvic model with fetus and placenta to give students experience with multiple technique and procedure for emergency childbirth.
  2. Twinborn (one infant boy and one infant girl) presentation and delivery.
  3. Can practice and master the comprehensive skills of normal labor, abnormal labor, midwifery and perineum protection.
  4. Leopold Maneuver can be practiced in this model.

Price: xx zł

Leopold Maneuvers Simulator


  1. The automatic birthing system rotates baby as it moves through the birth canal.
  2. The model shows seven stages of birth:
    • engagement
    • descent
    • flexion
    • internal rolling
    • spread
    • reposition and external rolling
    • childbirth.

PACKAGE SIZE: 57cm x 44cm x 33cm
G.W.: 9.5kg

Price: xx zł

Advanced Childbirth Skill Training Simulator


  1. An anatomically correct pelvic model with fetus and placenta to give students experience with multiple technique and procedure for emergency childbirth.
  2. Twinborn (one infant boy and one infant girl) presentation and delivery.
Optional Module
C-section F-0002.1
Urethral Catherization F-0002.2
Placenta retention F-0002.3

PACKAGE SIZE: 47.5cm x 30cm x 40cm
G.W.: 9.5kg

Price: xx zł

Maternal Simulator


  1. The model consists of adult female torso, full-term fetus.
  2. The model with realistic rib, heart, lungs and other anatomical structure
  3. Automatic delivery system, process through the delivery device fully simulate the real delivery to achieve position rotation
  4. Delivery speed can be adjusted
  5. Practicing, examining the fetal heart sound frequency, heart rate range of 60 - 180 times / min
  6. With two months of pregnancy in simulated uterine size, can be filled with gas
  7. A flexible joints, limbs soft full-term fetus

Price: xx zł


Fantomy, które zniosą wszystko.

Kim jesteśmy?

Działamy na rynku fantomów od 2008 roku, Fantomy są nasza pasją, posiadamy unikalna wiedzę na temat swoich produktów oraz tych konkurencyjnych. Sprzedajemy tylko sprawdzone podczas ćwiczeń modele lub te które poznaliśmy osobiście podczas targów medycznych w Dusseldorfie, Poznaniu, Shanghaju czy Hong Kongu. Korzystamy z informacji na temat modeli bezpośrednio od producentów. Dokonujemy także zakupów bezpośrednich na różnych rynkach. Prowadzimy consulting którego celem jest odpowiedni dobór modeli do potrzeb przy zachowaniu kosztów zakupu na odpowiednim poziomie dla klienta. Nasza marka MEDMOD na stałe zagościła w Polsce i jest wspierana poprzez profesjonalny serwis, doradztwo oraz krótkie terminy dostawy wybranych towarów. Zanim kupisz gdzieś coś – zapytaj nas o opinię – może się ona przydać. Zapraszamy do kontaktu -- @@@

Dlaczego my?

  • znamy rynek
  • znamy produkty
  • fantomy to nasza pasja
  • optymalizujemy wydatki naszych klientów
  • pełny zakres wsparcia posprzedażowego
  • szybkie terminy realizacji
  • elastyczność i szybkie decyzje zakupowe oraz rozwiązania logistyczne

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Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne
Tomasz Biliński dla MedMod © 2017