CPR Compression Board

Price: xx zł

CPR Face Sheild Sheet


  1. Balayer asepsis dust mask
  2. Prevent cross infection
  3. 50 pcs per box

Price: xx zł

Child Tracheal Intubation Model


  1. Anatomically accurate mouth, larynx, trachea
  2. Oral intubation and nasal feeding
  3. The neck should be backward in order to open airway
  4. Insufflating air into the tube so as to verify whether the tube position is right

Price: xx zł

Infant Tracheal Intubation Model


  1. Realistic anatomy: tongue,pharynx,epiglottis, larynx, chordae vocals, trachea
  2. Oral intubation and nasal feeding
  3. Lifelike material
  4. Simulate head tilt to operate conveniently
  5. Directly observe the expansion of lungs and stomach by insufflating air into the tube and stomach so as to verify if the tube position is right.

Price: xx zł

Neonate Tracheal Intubation Model


  1. Realistic anatomy of neonate
  2. Oral intubation and nasal feeding
  3. Lifelike material
  4. Directly observe the expansion of lungs and stomach by insufflating air into the tube and stomach so as to verify if the tube position is right

Price: xx zł

Half-body Aiway Intubation and CPR Training Model


  1. The simulated airway can be used with laryngeal mask and compound cannula;
  2. Lungs breathing movements can be observed during artificial respiration;
  3. Trachea cannula, pharyngeal and esophageal intubation can be done via mouth and nose;
  4. Supports oral, oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal suction via mouth or nose with a bronchoscope;
  5. Supports practice in opening

Price: xx zł

Tryrocricocentesis Tracheostomy Simulator


  1. Simulate dorsal position and neck extending
  2. Accurate structure: thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, crico-thyroid membrane,
  3. Trachea is touchable.
  4. Percutaneous thyrocricoid puncuture, cricothyrotomy, tracheotomy can be practiced.

Price: xx zł

Electronic Trachea Intubation Training Model


  1. Oral intubation
  2. Correct operation, sound prompting, and pulmonary expansion
  3. Wrong operation, stomach expansion or laryngoscope compressing the teeth will activate warning prompting.
  4. Examination of pupil response: normal and mydriasis
  5. Thyrocricoid punctures position instruction

Price: xx zł

Airway Intubation Training Model


  1. Accurate natomical marks with good view of intubation
  2. Supports trachea cannual via mouth and nose
  3. Proper intubation, the lungs will inflate after air supply
  4. Mistakenly insert into esophagus, the stomach will inflate after air supply, and there’s electronic alarm function
  5. If wrong operation make laryngoscope compress the teeth, there will be electronic alarm function.

Price: xx zł

Airway Management Model


  1. Anatomically accurate head and neck structures, which will be more effectively to illustrate "Sellick maneuver".
  2. Simulate laryngospasm and edema.
    1. Supports thyrocricocentesis and tracheotomy care.
    2. Supports practice in airway obstruction clearing and liquid foreign body suction.
  3. Observe lung breathing movement when making artificial respiration, and supports practice in breath sounds auscultation.
  4. Tracheal intubation via mouth
  5. Nasal feeding and gastric lavage
  6. Supports oral cavity, oropharynx and nasopharynx suction, make brochial suction via mouth or nose wtih bronchoscope
  7. Comes with simulative sputum to make the practice more realistic
  8. Squeeze the bulb manually to simulate the carotid pulse

Price: xx zł


Fantomy, które zniosą wszystko.

Kim jesteśmy?

Działamy na rynku fantomów od 2008 roku, Fantomy są nasza pasją, posiadamy unikalna wiedzę na temat swoich produktów oraz tych konkurencyjnych. Sprzedajemy tylko sprawdzone podczas ćwiczeń modele lub te które poznaliśmy osobiście podczas targów medycznych w Dusseldorfie, Poznaniu, Shanghaju czy Hong Kongu. Korzystamy z informacji na temat modeli bezpośrednio od producentów. Dokonujemy także zakupów bezpośrednich na różnych rynkach. Prowadzimy consulting którego celem jest odpowiedni dobór modeli do potrzeb przy zachowaniu kosztów zakupu na odpowiednim poziomie dla klienta. Nasza marka MEDMOD na stałe zagościła w Polsce i jest wspierana poprzez profesjonalny serwis, doradztwo oraz krótkie terminy dostawy wybranych towarów. Zanim kupisz gdzieś coś – zapytaj nas o opinię – może się ona przydać. Zapraszamy do kontaktu -- @@@

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Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne
Tomasz Biliński dla MedMod © 2017