Limbs Fracture First-aid External Fixation Simulation Standardized Patient


  1. Simulates head trauma and limbs closed fracture, students can be familiar with symptoms of malformation, bony crepitus and abnormal motion and so on, and they can make diagnosis and treatment.
  2. Master the operating skills of wounds rinsing, disinfection, binding up, restoration, fracture fixation and transport, which has great clinical meaning for surgical trauma first-aid skills training.
  3. Trauma includes radius and ulna closed fractures (upper forearm), Tibia and fibula closed fractures trauma (lower limbs), and thigh compound trauma. The end of fracture is touchable, fracture-angle abnormality, and comes with feeling of bone friction.
  4. Mandible trauma modules: open jaw trauma modules, and wound managerment can be done for the jaw.
  5. Basic nursing function: I.V. Injection, urethral catheterization, etc.
  6. All types of brace can be used with this manikin.
  7. Can be widely used for emergency teaching demonstration and actual practice.

Price: xx zł

Spinal Injury Transport Simulation Standardized Patient


  1. Full body manikin with injuries at neck and spine, which can be used to examine how to transport neck fracture patients and spinal injury patients.
  2. Voice prompts for incorrect positions when neck bows forward, leans backward and turn to left and right; voice prompts for incorrect positions during waist anteflexion and rear extension.
  3. Voice prompts for wrong operation, and it will disappear when the manikin is placed correctly.
  4. Pupils: one normal and the other mydriasis for contrast teaching demonstration
  5. Supports trachea cannula and tracheotomy care.
  6. Adopts straight moving with several persons. Avoid single person embacing the chest and moving alone in case of second spinal cord injury.
  7. Equiped with several sensors, voice prompts will be activated when the transport method is wrong.
  8. Supports multiple nursing skills, e.g. Nasal feeding, ileostomy and colonstomy care, stoma irrigation, urethral catheterization, and deltoids injection.
  9. Working condition: use DC 12V external power or rechargeable lithium battery.

Price: xx zł

Trauma Sumulators Accessories


  1. Facial burn: 1, 2, 3 degree
  2. Laceration in forehead
  3. The wound in jaw
  4. Opened clavicular fracture and contusion wound on the chest
  5. The wound in abdomen with small intestine evisceration
  6. Opened humerus fracture of right upper arm
  7. Opened fracture of right hand (including parenchyma laceration)
  8. Gun wound in the right palm
  9. Opened fracture of right thighbone
  10. Compound femur fracture of left thigh
  11. Metal pricking wound in right thigh
  12. Opened tibia fracture of right leg
  13. Opened fracture of right foot with truncating trauma on small phalanx
  14. Burns in left forearm: 1, 2, 3 degree
  15. Truncating trauma on left thigh
  16. Closed tibia fracture of right leg and contusion wounds in left ankle and foot

Price: xx zł

Trauma Simulators


  1. Bone tissue exposure
  2. Simulate all kinds of trauma of body, burned skin is replaceable.
  3. Simulate rinsing, disinfection, hemostasis, dressing, fixation and transportation for wound parts.
  4. Simulate open fracture and breakage in different body positions for management.
  5. Trauma care: disinfection, dressing change, hemostasis and binding up.
  6. Advanced trauma modules to come with,
    1. Facial burn: 1, 2, 3 degree
    2. Laceration in forehead
    3. Gun wound in the left palm
    4. Opened fracture of right thighbone
    5. The wound in jaw
    6. Compound femur fracture of left thigh
    7. Opened clavicular fracture and contusion wound on the chest
    8. Metal pricking wound in right thigh
    9. Opened tibia fracture of right leg
    10. The wound in abdomen with small intestine evisceration
    11. Opened fracture of right foot with truncating trauma on small phalanx
    12. Opened humerus fracture of right upper arm
    13. Burns in right forearm: 1, 2, 3 degree
    14. Opened fracture of right hand with parenchyma laceration
    15. Truncating trauma of leg thigh

Price: xx zł

Trauma Limb


  • Upper limbs and lower limbs trauma models;
  • Can be used as accessories, and can be connected to the CPR manikins.

Price: xx zł

High SimulationTrauma Evaluation Modules


Fragment wound inlet, mild contusion, spider bites, shotgun wound outlet, shotgun wound inlet, military gun wound inlet, penetrating wound, sabre wound, moderate electric burning, moderate contusion, second-degree burn; third-degree burn, military gun outlet, serious electric burning, fragment wound outlet, scalp contusion, crus degloving injury, open fracture, knife wound, and intestine exposed wound, etc.

Price: xx zł

Half-body CPR Training Manikin

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC

The product can operate adult Heimlich maneuver.

The simulate manikin is designed according to the anatomy and physiological characteristics and fit for first aid for foreign body in the airway.


  1. Simulation of normal airway obstruction
  2. Provide CPR operation practice ; simulation of airway opening and chest compression
  3. Simulation of the chest expansion when the airway is empty
  4. Simulation of the suffocation, foreign body obstruction in airway
  5. Can operate adult Heimlich maneuver
  6. Simulation of Carotid pulse
  7. Individual MOUTH/NOSE piece. replaceable; the manikin comes with 5 pcs MOUTH/NOSE piece;
Item No. CPR Obstruction Control box
MedMod/CPR-017A + +  
MedMod/CPR-017B +    
MedMod/CPR-018A + + +
MedMod/CPR-018B +   +

Price: xx zł

Child CPR Manikin

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  1. Simulate standard open airway
  2. External breast compression: display device and alarm device
    1. Indicator light display of correct and wrong compression; alarm of wrong compression
    2. Intensity display of correct (2-3 cm) and wrong (<2cm or >3cm) compression; alarm of wrong compression
  3. Artificial respiration (inhalation): display device and alarm device
    1. Inhalation <150-200ml or > 200ml, wrong indicator light display and alarm prompting; Inhalation between 150-200ml right indicator light display
    2. Inhalation too quickly or too much result in air entering into stomach; indicator light display and alarm prompting
  4. Ratio of compression and artificial respiratory: 30:2 (one person) or 15:2 (two persons)
  5. Operating cycle: one cycle includes five times of 30:2 or 15:2 ratio of compression and artificial respiration
  6. Operation frequency: at least 100-120 times per minute
  7. Operation methods: exercise operation
  8. Examination of carotid response: pinch the pressure ball by hand and simulate carotid pulse
  9. Working conditions: Input power is 110-240V

Price: xx zł

Infant Obstruction Manikin


  1. Artificial respiration and external chest compression
  2. Simulation of natural airway, chest expand when airway opened
  3. Airway opening and chest compression
  4. Accurate anatomy, proportion of the standard live baby design
  5. Simulation of body airway obstruction.

Price: xx zł

Infant CPR Manikin

Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2015 guideline for CPR and ECC


  1. Simulating standard open airway
  2. Manually external breast compression with finger(s)
  3. Respiration: during mouth-to-mouth & mouth-to-nose artificial respiration, chest rise can be seen
  4. Operating period: one period includes five cycles of CPR according to ratio of compression and artificial respiration
    (30:2/single or 15:2/double)
  5. Compression frequency: 100-120 times per minute
  6. Compression depth: it should be 1/3 of chest anteroposterior diameter at least, about 4cm.
  7. Pinch the pressure ball by hand to simulate brachial artery pulse
  8. Supports colostomy care
  9. Simulates abdominal suture and supports wound care
  10. Working condition: Input power is 110-240V

Price: xx zł


Fantomy, które zniosą wszystko.

Kim jesteśmy?

Działamy na rynku fantomów od 2008 roku, Fantomy są nasza pasją, posiadamy unikalna wiedzę na temat swoich produktów oraz tych konkurencyjnych. Sprzedajemy tylko sprawdzone podczas ćwiczeń modele lub te które poznaliśmy osobiście podczas targów medycznych w Dusseldorfie, Poznaniu, Shanghaju czy Hong Kongu. Korzystamy z informacji na temat modeli bezpośrednio od producentów. Dokonujemy także zakupów bezpośrednich na różnych rynkach. Prowadzimy consulting którego celem jest odpowiedni dobór modeli do potrzeb przy zachowaniu kosztów zakupu na odpowiednim poziomie dla klienta. Nasza marka MEDMOD na stałe zagościła w Polsce i jest wspierana poprzez profesjonalny serwis, doradztwo oraz krótkie terminy dostawy wybranych towarów. Zanim kupisz gdzieś coś – zapytaj nas o opinię – może się ona przydać. Zapraszamy do kontaktu -- @@@

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Tomasz Biliński dla MedMod © 2017